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Bilingual Middle School


Notre pédagogie, Life Bloom Academy

What are the main features of our approach?

As in the Montessori approach, the educator becomes a facilitator, guide, scout.
  He is above all an animator and a pedagogue.



Our priorities are:


  • Build confidence,


  • Instill and maintain energy and the desire to learn


  • Prepare a stimulating environment. The child becomes an actor & responsible for his learning


  • Pushing the child to give the best of himself



" I believe in you ! This is the message that the teenager feels.


Pilier Pédagogique, Life Bloom Academy

We follow the national curriculum. In addition, we develop a sense of Being as well as soft skills; skills that are useful for the future and know-how.


Adolescents receive the keys to learn and the keys to understand themselves : self-discovery, education in emotions, knowledge of the functioning of their body, brain and the science of "learning to learn" are on the program.

Working on entrepreneurial projects useful to the world and a voluntary commitment builds self-confidence and openness to others through teamwork.




Native Digital learning

Pedagogies that develop 21st century skills


Our team is based on active and project pedagogies and ingeniously combines:

The latest educational innovations (escape games, gamification etc.)


Different educational tools / media to adapt to children (Montessori material, games, video…)


Creativity, collaboration and co-development techniques from the company and the grandes écoles


Various formats (individual, workshops, conferences, visits,….)

Networked learning for a stimulating environment


The educational team finds partnerships and exchanges with the world around children: companies, associations, experts, local communities.


The diversity of children's social origins and the connection with classes from the other side of the world develop openness to the world and to others.


The team thus builds a stimulating and exciting environment by working with places (outings, museums, businesses, parks, etc.), partners and external stakeholders. Thus, Enjoyschool is open, in interaction with local initiatives.

La pédagogie de projet

In the program



Offer the chance to discover themselves and flourish at the School to find their path, their element.


"Equip" the children so that during their existence, they continue to learn, to cooperate, to innovate and to know how to find independently the resources to orient their life and lead projects useful to the world


Enable students to become economically responsible and independent.


Enlighten : learn to decipher the current world with enthusiasm, develop critical and creative thinking, become active and emphatic citizens.


Understand and appreciate their culture and respect that of others

Faire de ses élèves des entrepreneurs de demainElocast & Christelle Caucheteux
00:00 / 01:04

Cultivating essential Soft-skills


Ability to work constructively with others


Communication and debating skills

Ability to express thoughts and feelings in a clear and assured form through different channels



Open-mindedness and desire to search: ability to ask questions and explore how the world works, to question the world, society and yourself


Creativity & ingenuity

Ability to generate new ideas and put them into practice.


Perseverance and Excellence

Enthusiasm, courage and ability to mobilize on long-term goals


Critical thinking

Ability to analyze information and ideas, develop arguments and judgments.



Ability to understand and act on the feelings of others


Self-confidence and self-esteem



Ability to be constructively involved in society


Entrepreneurial spirit

Dare to imagine and lead projects, dare to make mistakes, bounce back and start again

Exemples de projets créatifs :

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