Vos mots sur Life Bloom Academy !
Les stagiaires en images !
Chiara, School'Up participant
School'Up was very interesting! We were able to see different methods to improve our weaknesses at school. For people who do not like school I recommend this course because you will learn lots of techniques to regain the taste for learning! "
Carla, Ikigaï participant
When I got to my first day of training, I didn't think it would have such an impact. I learned to know myself and to harness my strength. I recommend this course to everyone, and especially to people who are a bit lost and who are trying to get to know each other to find their way. Christelle is very enthusiastic and the whole team is kind. "
Deborah Le Bloas, Joshua's mother
"A workshop as wonderful as it was useful on a human level, my son was happy to join the team and continue the project day after day. He regained confidence in himself and in his abilities in general."
Coralie, mother of Côme
"My son Côme, student in 5th grade (12 years) in Paris participated this year in the start me up, Ikigai, and School up workshops. He really appreciated the positive and benevolent pedagogy and learned a lot about himself, his strengths and skills and learned to lead a motivating project within a group and to present it. These different and complementary workshops allowed him to regain self-confidence and to understand the mechanisms of learning and cooperative work from his qualities and his strengths and assets. He emerged from each course more positive and motivated and shared with his family what he learned from each experience.
Christelle and Eva are great enthusiastic, professional teachers motivated by their commitment to children!
Thank you again and well done, for your adaptation to each child and to the current context."
Madame MH Catineau de Marsac, mother of Henri
"I enrolled my 11-year-old son, schooled at the Stanislas Institute in Nice, for an internship at the Lifebloomacademy during the first week of the February holidays; not being myself in the business world, i was interested in Ms. Caucheteux's original educational approach. My son was able to grasp a first development of an entrepreneurial project within a group which very quickly got to know and collaborate in a friendly and yet serious atmosphere, thanks to very professional support from Ms. Caucheteux Together, and for 5 afternoons, these boys found areas of exchange and succeeded in creating a real solidarity project, which implemented the means offered by new technologies.
The report which was given to us by Ms. Caucheteux, allows us to measure the work provided by the young participants, while at no time did my son have the feeling of going "to college" during his vacation. This is one of the successes of this internship, raising awareness of the capacity to create and organize ideas, which allows more self-confidence and autonomy. "
Jane Ayerst, maman de Cameron
"My son has been to this school this year and it has been amazing for him. He didn't have any French to begin with and now he is fluent.
It is an amazing, engaging school where all teachers speak English, a huge support when French is your second language. It is definitely worth a look, especially if the French system is not working for your child. It does follow the French curriculum, but with a much more engaging approach. The fees are very reasonable also."
Mélanie Corcelle, maman de Louis et Camille
"Je souhaite exprimer un grand merci à toute l’équipe pédagogique et à tous les professeurs.
Louis a réussi son examen de retour dans le public (16,5 en maths et 14,5 en français) je vois aussi chaque jour mes ados s’épanouir, discuter, échanger et ne plus se disputer.
Je réalise à quel point vos méthodes ont un retentissement sur leur comportement et c’est beau de les voir grandir dans cet environnement,
Merci profondément"
Noé, stagiaire School'Up
" C’était incroyable ! J’ai appris plein de choses très utiles et très intéressantes sur la mémoire, les neurones et comment apprendre. Ainsi que des outils pour être efficace dans mon travail et apprendre à long terme. Ce stage était fabuleux : une expérience de vie à vivre !"