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      Just 1 week to take up a major challenge: build a united team around an idea and transform it into an innovative solution (an association, a service, a product ...) for the world in record time.


A unique opportunity for Teens to experience team creation to discover that: Yes, they can contribute and act. More than a workshop, a real experience! Participating in a Creative Challenge is an opportunity to develop new skills, to discover yourself, and to surprise yourself by going beyond your limits!


We take in hand different technological tools to make ideas concrete: we create a website, a blog or a youtube channel, a logo, a prototype ... The atmosphere is to discover, meet, co-create and share.


Everyone, whatever the age or the personality naturally finds their place in a place conducive to creativity. Everyone has to bring their strengths, passion and interests to the group in order to fulfill this challenge! The animation team installs team cohesion and uses a variety of techniques and methods from the grandes écoles, creative pedagogies and the company.


     team creationto discover that: Yes, they can contribute and act. More than an internship, areal experience! Participating in a Creative Challenge is an opportunity to develop new skills, to discover yourself, and to surprise yourself by going beyond your limits!

      We discover our strengths, how emotions work. We also handle differenttechnological toolsto make ideas concrete: we create a website, a logo, a prototype  The atmosphere is one of discovery, encounter,co-creation  and sharing.


      Everyone, whatever their age, their personality naturally finds its place in a place conducive to creativity. It's up to everyone to bring their strengths, their passion and their interests to the group in order to meet this challenge!

The animation team installs team cohesion, allows everyone to discover their talents and decipher their emotions. The team uses a variety of techniques and methods from positive psychology, universities, creative pedagogies and business.



As a team, young people imagine how to improve the world



Technological tools serve their creativity

They create a site, a video, a logo etc ...



At the end of the week, the participants present their project in the form of a "pitch"

"Workshops that we would like to see in middle school or high school! Concrete therefore motivating. Very interesting for young people to learn how to build a project from A to Z while discovering the world of business. The workshop also allows them to get a glimpse of what teamwork entails and allows everyone to participate by giving their ideas and also to learn to listen to others! So great! "


Chenevoy, Chloé's mom, in year 9

For who ?

For CM1 / CM2, curious, middle school and high school students who want to take part in a rewarding human adventure or who are wondering about their future.


The teams are adapted according to age groups.

What do we win ?


First of all, the pleasure of having participated in a human adventure, the pride of having invented and materialized as a team a real project and perhaps discovered that we are all creative!


And also...


  • confidence in oneself and in one's capacity to contribute: action is possible

  • discovery of his strengths and talents

  • team spirit and cooperation,

  • an approach to the different trades and workings of the company,

  • better fluency in speaking and in a group.

  • discovery of the world of social and solidarity entrepreneurship

  • creativity, inventiveness



See also our article: Convincing my teenager to participate in the course .




  • Monday, Discovery. Part of Laser Game in Paris


  • Tuesday, Brainstorm! We choose and imagine the solution.


  • And then... We build the project and develop the idea to present it on Friday.

After a week of intense cogitation, in a friendly atmosphere and in front of a delirious crowd (parents!), Each group presents their project in 5 min.


Stage Start Me Up, Entreprendre, Booster sa confiance
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