(Teenagers 13-18 years & 18-25 years)
We believe it is useful to know who you are to know where you are going.
Find your strengths and talents to create your orientation project.
Everyone discovers their strengths, their drivers and their socio-personal skills
At the end of the workshop, the teenagers made the poster of their life mission and can share it with their loved ones.

Having an Ikigai makes you feel more motivated at school.
People who have found their Ikigai live happy and fulfilled
Definition of Ikigai according to Stéphane Dieutre, Aristotle Institute.
Ikigai (生 き 甲 斐) is the Japanese equivalent of "joie de vivre" and "raison d'être" (source Wikipedia). According to the Japanese, each person has their own "life mission", there, at a crossroads: what you love to do, what the world needs, what you can get paid for, and what you are good at.
With this journey, Christelle Caucheteux uses her experience of student coaching, positive psychology, active pedagogies, cooperation between peers and her knowledge of business skills, to help your children discover their talents, their strengths and an approach to their life mission. Christelle accompanied students, managers and entrepreneurs in developing their potential for 6 years at Edhec.

At the end of the course, the Teenagers:
Responded to two personality tests
Discovered some of their socio-personal strengths and skills with creativity
Have several tracks of activity sectors and trades to explore
Present their life mission in the form of a poster and can share it with their parents and loved ones.
"I found this internship very interesting because it allowed me to take stock of my strengths. Thanks to this I was able to project myself into the future for my future studies. There was a great atmosphere!"
- 249 euros
- 249 euros
- 249 euros
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- 249 euros
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Stage en visio les mardis soirs du 16 janvier au 13, février de 19h à 21h30.
499 euros